In order to satisfy our e-rate requirements we need to be teaching internet safety. There are some user friendly educational sites and I will be sending you links periodically with short videos and info. The link in this email is for the elementary site called netsmartz that has some short video’s teaching kids to use the internet wisely. I will send one each week and while some are short, 2 or 3 minutes, others are longer around 25 minutes. This week’s video is 25 minutes long and covers the 4 rules for internet safety. I realize this is long but it does cover some good information and it seems like you can’t start to young. A brief discussion after watching the video would also be helpful. Here is the link:
Week 1- 2/11/2013:
This weeks video is Bad Netiquette Stinks. It is 6 minutes 45 seconds long:
You can log in and get the worksheets and extra handouts with the user name:
[email protected] and password is gceagles if you like.
Week 2- 2/18/2013:
Internet safety video #2, Router's Birthday Surprise 24 minutes, 25 seconds
Because this video is the longest you can watch it by chapters. After you go to the link you will see the chapters listed underneath. If you want to split it up you can watch a chapter a day making them about 4 minutes each.
You can log in and get the worksheets and extra handouts with the user name: [email protected] and password is gceagles
Week 3- 2/27/2013:
Internet safety video #3, Be Safer online: 2 minutes 8 seconds
Week 4- 3/4/2013:
Internet safety video #4, Way to Go 2 minutes 11 seconds:
Week 5- 3/11/2013:
Internet safety video #5, 5 minutes 26 seconds:
You can log in and get the worksheets and extra handouts with the user name: [email protected] and password is gceagles
Week 6- 3/18/2013:
Internet Safety video #6, 1 minute 53 seconds:
Week 7- 3/25/2013:
Internet Safety Video #7, 2 minutes long
The Password Rap
Week 8- 4/2/2013:
Internet Safety Video #8, 1 minute 59 seconds.
The Who Loved IM
Internet Safety Video #9, 1 minute 51 seconds
Net Smart Chat
Week 8- 4/9/2013:
Internet Safety Video #10, 2 minute 27 seconds
Week 9- 4/15/2013:
Internet Safety Video #11, 3 minute47 seconds
Week 10- 4/22/2013:
11 minutes 10 seconds
Week 11- 4/29/2013:
40 seconds
40 seconds
Week 13- 5/1/2013:
Sheila Litke
Garden County Schools
Technology Coordinator
"Be the Change You Wish to See in the World."