2009-2010 State of the Schools Report
Nebraska Report Card
Garden County Schools district curriculum is aligned to the Nebraska State Standards
in the four main content areas: Reading, Math, Science, and Social
Studies. Students at Garden County are assessed in these four areas,
and the results are reported to the states for grades 4, 8, and 11. To
view the state standards, please click on the link above.
As of October 21, 2010, Garden County Schools' Statewide Writing
Assessment Results for 2009-2010 were available to the public on the NDE
web site: The information shows the percentage of our students in
grades 4, 8, and 11 who met or exceeded the state writing standards last
year. These results show that Garden County students continue to perform above the state norm. During last year's school term 88%
of our district's 4th grade students, 95% of the participating 8th
grade students, and 100% of Garden County High School's juniors
met or exceeded the State of Nebraska's writing standards. Proficient
writers possess the critical thinking skills and academic foundation our
students should have to perform successfully in all other content
The Nebraska Department of Education publishes a State of the Schools
Report, often referred to as the State Report Card. This site gives
parents and patrons information about standard assessment on the state,
district, and local level. To access this information, navigate to the
following site: NDE State of the Schools Report. Click on the red School District
button at the top of the page. Identify the school district (Garden
County Schools), town (Oshkosh), or county (Garden County) and click on
Search. A Garden County Schools link will appear and let you view
details about the district's profile and student performance.